Worship Services & Bulletins

Sunday Worship Services  |  March 23

8am Traditional Worship Service  |  Sanctuary

This service is live streamed.

8am Traditional Worship Folder


9:30am Bible Studies and Sunday School.

To see a list of all our Bible Studies and Sunday School information, click HERE.


10:45am Contemporary Worship Service  |  Gym

 This service is live streamed.

10:45am Contemporary Worship Folder


10:45am Traditional Worship Service  |  Sanctuary

10:45am Traditional Worship Folder


March 23 Announcements

Better Hearing Options for Worship PDF

Join us either in-person or online!

You can find the recordings of our worship services HERE.

For a map of how to get here, please click here.


Wednesday, March 26 | The Hands of Jesus who Heals the Sick

The outstretched hand of Jesus is willing to reach out to the lives of the untouchable. The leper asking if the Lord willed that he be clean is greeted not only with a yes but also with the hand that touches the unclean. No one is out of the reach of Jesus. In Jesus, the unclean become clean. In Christ’s cross, He “took our illnesses and bore our diseases” (Matthew 8:17; see also Isaiah 53:4). He who did not know sin even became sin for us in order to make us righteous (2 Corinthians 5:21). In reaching out to us, touching the unclean, our Lord has taken our infirmities to the cross and given us His perfect forgiveness and life.

Join us each Wednesday for our Lenten Series: The Hands of Our Lord Jesus. Dinner begins at 5:30pm in the Parish Hall and Worship begins at 6:30pm in the Sanctuary. 

Menu for Wednesday, March 26 dinner | Sponsored by the Thursday Night Ladies Bible Study they will be serving lasagna, garlic bread and salad.

Wednesdays in Lent Livestream Link

March 26 Worship Folder

All Lent and Holy Week details at ShepherdHillsChuch.org/Easter

Lenten Dinners  |  Wednesdays @ 5:30pm  |  Parish Hall

March 5  |  Ash Wednesday - No Lenten Dinner

March 12  |  Soup & Sliders

March 19  |  Chicken & Fish and Chips

March 26  |  Lasagna, Salad & Garlic Bread

April 2  |  Brats, Hot Dogs, Green Beans & German Potato Salad

April 9  |  Sloppy Joes & Chips

Holy Week

Palm Sunday  | April 13  |  8 & 10:45am 

Maundy Thursday  |  April 17  |  7pm Worship | Lord’s Supper


Good Friday Tre-Ore  |  April 18  |  Noon-3pm

Good Friday Tenebrae  |  April 18  |  7pm 

Easter Worship Services | April 20  |  6:30, 8 & 10:45am


Easter Children’s Event  |  9:30-10:30am

Join us Easter morning as we transform our Parish Hall into a fun Easter Experience where families can celebrate our risen Lord through games, crafts, and connecting with other families! Invite your friends & neighbors to jump in at anytime or stay the whole hour. Geared toward families with young children although everyone is welcome to stop by!

Easter Breakfast

Easter breakfast is Sunday, April 20 in the Gym from 8:15-10:15am. You can sit down or order take out but the last seating is at 10am so we can clear-out the breakfast area before our Contemporary Worship Service.

Your free will donation will go to help offset costs for those serving as Young Adult Volunteers at the LCMS National Youth Gathering in New Orleans this July. The menu is: A delicious meal of hash-brown-egg bake, bacon, fruit, sweet rolls, muffins & coffee.

Last Day to RSVP is Sunday, April 13.