Events & Newsletters

  • LENT | The Hands of Jesus

    Wednesday, March 26 | The Hands of Jesus who Heals the Sick

    The outstretched hand of Jesus is willing to reach out to the lives of the untouchable. The leper asking if the Lord willed that he be clean is greeted not only with a yes but also with the hand that touches the unclean. No one is out of the reach of Jesus. In Jesus, the unclean become clean. In Christ’s cross, He “took our illnesses and bore our diseases” (Matthew 8:17; see also Isaiah 53:4). He who did not know sin even became sin for us in order to make us righteous (2 Corinthians 5:21). In reaching out to us, touching the unclean, our Lord has taken our infirmities to the cross and given us His perfect forgiveness and life.

    Join us each Wednesday for our Lenten Series: The Hands of Our Lord Jesus. Dinner begins at 5:30pm in the Parish Hall and Worship begins at 6:30pm in the Sanctuary.

    Menu for Wednesday, March 26 dinner | Sponsored by the Thursday Night Ladies Bible Study they will be serving lasagna, garlic bread and salad.

    Wednesdays in Lent Livestream Link

    March 26 Worship Folder

    All Lent and Holy Week details at

  • Holy Week & Easter

    Join us for Holy Week Services as we celebrate our risen Savior! 

    Palm Sunday |  April 13 | 8 & 10:45am

    Maundy Thursday |  April 17 | 7pm | Lord’s Supper


    Good Friday Tre-Ore | April 18 | Noon-3pm

    Good Friday Tenebrae |  April 18 | 7pm

    Easter Worship Services | April 20 |  6:30, 8 & 10:45am


    Easter Children’s Event |  9:30-10:30am | Parish Hall

    Join us Easter morning as we transform our Parish Hall into a fun Easter Experience where families can celebrate our risen Lord through games, crafts, and connecting with other families. Invite your friends & neighbors to jump in at anytime or stay the whole hour. Geared toward families with young children although everyone is welcome to stop by.

    For details on all Holy Week Worship, please visit our Easter webpage.

  • Voters' Assembly

    Sunday, March 23 | 12:15pm | Sanctuary

    A Voter’s Assembly is being called for March 23 at 12:15p in the Sanctuary for the purpose of calling an Associate Pastor.

  • A Night in New Orleans

    Friday, March 28 | 6-8:30pm

    Friday, March 28, 6-8:30pm is Shepherd’s Dinner & Auction. We have over 100 items in our auction! Can’t attend but want to bid? Bid on some items Sunday, March 23 from 9-9:30am in the Gym. Please note that unless you pay the 'Buy Now' amount, you may be outbid on auction night. Proceeds will support the National Youth Gathering and the Cambodia Mission trips. For more information or to get involved, contact Jodie Stoltenow or Sina Williams.

    Our Auction is in-person only. Here are just a few great items up for auction:

    • 2 Bronco tickets
    • Vacation Home in Branson, MO-4 nights/16 people
    • Guided Clay shooting at Kiowa Creek
    • Professional Organization service
    • Audrey Cake
    • Bethany's Monthly Baked goods
    • Tea Time Hamper from Fortnum and Mason, England
    • Gift cards to local restaurants/businesses
    • and so much more!
  • SOS Choir = Sing One Sunday

    Sunday, March 30

    This is a low commitment, once-in-a-while opportunity to sing. You may sing parts or just melody.

    Sunday, March 30:

    +rehearse 7:47am, choir loft 

    +song: Will Your Anchor Hold 

    Questions? Gail Black 303.707.4364,

  • SHYP | Pre-Gathering Event for New Orleans

    Saturday, April 5 | 1:30 - 6:30pm | St. John's Church

    SHYP Youth going to NYG in July, please join us for our Pre-Gathering event at St. John's Church in Denver. Drop off & pick up will be at Shepherd. Gather with other youth groups from the Rocky Mountain District who are also going to the LCMS Youth Gathering in New Orleans this summer. Contact Sina with any questions.

  • CWO | Focusing on Women’s Ministries

    Saturday, April 5 | 10am

    Shepherd of the Hills has purchased two tables at the CWO (Christian World Outreach) Women Helping Women event Saturday, April 5 at 10am, at Our Father Lutheran Church (6335 S. Holly St.). 

    You’ll enjoy a delicious brunch, catch up with friends, and hear an inspiring program. This year we focus on how to help women care for their children in our After School Program in Sri Lanka, the Men Molding Men boys camps in South Africa, the Our Kids program in Zimbabwe, and our Children’s Feeding Programs in Haiti. If you want to attend, please let Kevin Holle know. We hope to see you there! Email Kevin at

  • Colorado March for Life

    Friday, April 11 | 10am

    Announcing the 2025 Colorado March for Life. Last year we had around 120 LCMS Lutherans attending. It was wonderful to have our LCMS represented, showing up for life and confessing Christ as we attended our LCMS Prayer Service, the rally and marched together singing hymns. Let's have even more of us there in 2025!

    Join us on Friday, April 11 at the Colorado State Capitol, 200 E. Colfax Ave, Denver. LCMS Prayer Service at 10am, Rally at 11am, and March at Noon.

  • Breakfast with Baby

    Saturday, April 12

    On March 8, Breakfast with Baby served 19 children from 9 families. After breakfast and a devotion, families shopped for diapers, wipes, children’s clothing and other available items. For the April 12 event, 24-month & 4-year girl's summer clothes, 9-month & 4-year boy's summer clothes and Size 6 diapers are needed. Thank you for blessing this ministry.

  • Easter Breakfast

    Sunday, April 20 | 8:45-10:15am | Gym

    Easter breakfast is Sunday, April 20 in the Gym 8:45-10:15am. You can sit down or order take out but the last seating is at 10am so we can clear-out the breakfast area before our Contemporary Worship Service.

    Your free will donation will go to help offset costs for those serving as Young Adult Volunteers at the LCMS National Youth Gathering in New Orleans this July. The menu is: A delicious meal of hash-brown-egg bake, bacon, fruit, sweet rolls, muffins & coffe

  • VBS Decoration Days

    Wednesdays, April 23-May 28 | 3-5pm or 6-8pm

    We will be preparing for our next Vacation Bible School on Wednesdays 3-5pm or 6-8pm, April 23-May 28 in the Kids of the Kingdom Zone. Let’s get creative! Join us as we create props and decorations for our “True North:Trusting Jesus in a Wild World” VBS!

  • LVR Auction and Concert

    Sunday, April 27 | 6pm

    Lutheran Valley Retreat presents Boots and Bling, a Silent Auction and Benefit Concert. The concert is at the Phil Long Music Hall on Sunday, April 27 and will include dinner, drinks, and dancing. Doors open at 4pm and the concert begins at 6pm. There is also a virtual silent auction that begins Monday, April 21 at 8am and ends Sunday, April 27 at 7:30pm. To register for the virtual silent auction, text 719-988-3900. For more information and tickets, CLICK HERE.

  • GriefShare Opportunity

    Some people have such a gift for reaching out to people! They know how to reach all kinds of folks, what to say and how to write it. They have great ideas for eye-catching graphics that invite further thought and inquiry. They like to work with others to get the message just right and “get the word out”. God has really blessed these people for growing His kingdom. Hey, I just described YOU! Text me or give me a call. I’d love to say HELLO and introduce you to the joys of this ministry. Nancy Lee 720.261.5339

  • California Wildfires Relief

    California Wildfires Matching Funds Relief | To help in the recovery for those impacted by the devastating wildfires in California, Shepherd will match donations up to $1500, to be directed to Lutheran Church Charities. We will accept donations through the end of March 2025. For more information on the work of LCC and the CA fires:

  • Everyone His Witness

    Sundays | 2:30-4:30pm

    Shepherd is providing an 8-week "How To Witness" program entitled “Every One His Witness.” This LCMS course is NOT a door-knocking cold-calling program. Instead, it teaches participants to use the LASSIE approach: Listen-Ask-Seek-Share-Invite-Encourage, to engage in conversations with family and friends who do not attend church regularly.

    When: 8 Sundays, March 16-May 18, 2:30-4:30pm

    (not meeting on Easter or Mother's Day)

    Where: Shepherd's Atrium

    Questions: John Hoener 303.619.6828

  • ELC Summer Camp

    Registration Opened March 17

    We have a fun summer planned and are excited for your child to join us! Camp is available for children from 18 months to age 10. (Siblings of younger campers who are older than 10 may be accepted on a case-by-case basis.) 

    Summer Camp is a pre-paid program. The cost per day depends on the length of day your child will spend with us as well as their age. Our standard camp day is 8:30am to 3:30pm, and the cost is:

    Children 18 months to 3rd birthday | $75 per day

    Children 3 years - 5 years | $70 per day

    Children 5 years and older | $75 per day

    Registration begins on March 17. For more details and to register CLICK HERE.

Missionary Monthly News

Check out the updates from our Missionaries throughout the world. Pray for all missionaries, that the Holy Spirit will open the hearts of the peoples throughout the world to know and hear the love of Jesus and the path to eternal life.  Also pray for the health and safety of all missionaries and their families. To read more about our missionaries, please click here.

Communications and Facilities Requests

Have an event you'd like to have at Shepherd, such as a party, committee meeting, basketball pick-up game, etc.? We now have an easier way to do a Facilities Request: an on-line format! This form is also for events you'd like advertised, such as Dads and Donuts, a Missions Food Drive, the Church Picnic, etc. Using this link helps both you and the Shepherd office cover all avenues of readiness and promotion for a successful event!

Please click HERE to use this form.