Why do we give?

Everything we have comes from our loving heavenly Father. In thanks to Him, we freely and gladly manage all of our lives and life’s resources for God’s purposes. We share His love and mercy with each other and the world through our time and our talents, our tithes and our offerings. We give, because God first gave to us!

  • We love because God first loved us. 1 John 4:19
  • God love the world so much, that he gave His one and Only Son for us all. John 3:16
  • Where your heart is there your treasure will be. Matthew 6:21

Where do our offerings go?

Your gifts for God's Kingdom are used in these ways:

  • Shepherd of the Hills Ministries
  • Early Learning Center
  • Local, National, and International Missions
  • Facilities Up-Keep
  • Salaries