Above and Beyond
Our mission is to honor and praise our Lord and Savior, give thanks for those around us, and enjoy friendship through social gatherings. Our desire is to bring more people to Christ through fellowship. (thus the name: “Above & Beyond”)
How can you help?
❖ Suggest or find fun activities for the leader and group.
❖ Offer to host an event on your own or with leader guidance/help.
Connie Rosel: rosel_connie@yahoo.com 720-324-9270
Ben Barstad: benbarstad16@gmail.com 303-956-9851
Kathy Kufeldt: k.kufeldt@comcast.net 303-748-2210
Active Seniors
We are a group of seniors, age 55+, who meet the second Thursday of every month for coffee, a devotion, lunch, and a special program. Our intent is to build community and generate new ideas!
How can you help?
❖ Attend the luncheon at no cost (a free-will offering is always welcome!).
❖ Share your great ideas on growing this community of members in Christ.
Susan Goldhammer: msgoldy@comcast.net 303-842-1802
Altar Circle
Our mission is to help prepare the Lord’s Supper on Communion Sundays, change the paraments, wash/iron linens as needed, clean the chancel (altar area) each week, and make preparations for each service.
How can you help?
❖ Volunteer for any portion of this great team.
Luanne Reimer: Reimer.luanne@gmail.com 303-437-7474
Breakfast with Baby
On the second Saturday of every month families with young children come for breakfast and receive donations of clothing, diapers, and other needs.
How can you help?
❖ Help set up - prepare or serve food.
❖ Help guests shop.
❖ Help with nursery care for the children.
❖ Donate needed items.
Tad Deering: Contact church office with questions
Cambodia Missions
Shepherd supports two Cambodian missions begun by Shepherd members: Ray of Hope and Crossing Cambodia. Both missions share God’s love with street children and their families. This includes day programs where children play, are fed, bathed, and learn about Jesus; school and homework time; and special activities. The Mission Trip team brings needed items for the missions and the children, does a “VBS” program, and offers dental work. It’s a life-changing experience!
How can you help?
❖ Join the team for one or more of the mission trips.
❖ Pray for the team going on the mission trip.
❖ Donate needed items for trips.
❖ Sponsor a Cambodian child .
Jodie Stoltenow: JStoltenow@sothfamily.org 303-565-6062
Church Council
This ministry oversees the administration of church operations, finances, facility, and grounds.
How can you help?
❖ Volunteer to help with the management of these needs.
President-Lindsey Jarvi: jarvi.lindsey@gmail.com
Confirmation (Catechesis) and Pre-Confirmation
❖ Pre-Confirmation—youth in 5-6th Grade Is the Bible really true? How do all the stories connect? How do I find answers? How do I come to know Jesus? Shepherd’s Jr. Confirmation program encourages and welcomes youth to ask questions and study what the Bible teaches. All students learn the New Testament.
❖ Confirmation—youth in 7-8th Grade Students study Scripture and the six main beliefs of the Christian faith from the Bible and explained in Luther’s Small Catechism, in preparation for making their Confession of Faith and taking the Lord’s Supper. Parents are also involved in studying with their youth. Each week includes group relationship building, a lesson, and weekly study and work. Parents are involved in studying with their youth and in attending class once a month.
How can you help?
❖ Learn more about these programs on ShepherdHillsChurch.org/Connect.
❖ Pray for the students and parents in these programs.
❖ Write a letter of encouragement to a student.
Pastor Brad Stoltenow: BStoltenow@sothfamily.org 303-798-0711
Sam Scheck: sam.scheck@comcast.net 720 789-0409
Counters serve in God’s house by counting and processing, in a confidential manner, weekly offerings from church services. This is a position of great trust in the church, as you are not only counting money given to the church for various missions and ministries, but you must keep all information confidential. Counting occurs Monday mornings, and this usually includes a Monday holiday. The counters have a rotation, so you are not counting every week. Family members may not count together. The position reports directly to the accounting office, to Lauren Ryan, Bookkeeper.
How can you help?
❖ Assist in counting on a rotating basis (dual control), processing offerings, and preparing bank deposits.
Deb Lallement: d.lallement@comcast.net 720-934-4615
Lisa Esola: plesola@msn.com 303-778-7899
Lauren Ryan: LRyan@sothfamily.org 970-210-1286
Early Learning Center (ELC)
A “Colorado Shines” Rated Program, Shepherd’s Christian ELC is for children 18 months-Junior Kindergarten (6 years) and includes: daily spiritual development, teachers who engage in continued professional development, flexible full- and part-time schedules, before and after school camp, and excellent student-to-teacher ratios.
How can you help?
❖ Learn about the ELC program at: ShepherdHillsELC.org.
❖ Promote the ELC with your family and friends!
Kristen Hatton, Director: KHatton@sothfamily.org 303-798-0711
The congregation empowers the Board of Elders, in conjunction with the Office of the Pastoral Ministry and consistent with the Confessional Standard of Article III, to exercise proper spiritual authority and oversight of the congregational leadership and members, in keeping with sound Scriptural principles.
How can you help?
❖ Engage with your elder to have a better understanding of the various opportunities to serve and deepen your relationships at Shepherd.
❖ We are also looking for members who want to lead the congregation in future years. Please reach out if interested.
Don Matern: dmatern1988@gmail.com 661-713-4020
FACES (Faith Activities Conversations Experiences Service)
We are a ministry for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
How can you help?
❖ Monthly 90 min social.
❖ Help with snacks, games, crafts, and music at FACES Night Out.
❖ Help coordinate volunteers.
❖ Help schedule events and publicity.
❖ Act as liaison with Group Homes.
❖ Teachers for Sunday School -- Greet, welcome, encourage, and team teach appropriate-level Sunday School lessons.
❖ Be a support volunteer to welcome guests, help load/unload vehicles, and sit with guests during contemporary worship.
Sam Scheck: sam.scheck@comcast.net 720 789-0409
Family Ministry – See individual listings
❖ Cambodia Missions
❖ Intergenerational Large Events
❖ Milestones
❖ Sunday School (Babies-4th Grade)
❖ Vacation Bible School (VBS)
❖ Xtreme (5-8th Grade)
The Fellowship Committee serves the church by providing a community of fellowship for churchwide events, including coffee and treats between worship services, buying items, organizing church picnics, decorating for Christmas, and being available at other times of community.
How can you help?
❖ Volunteer to help with Sunday morning coffee.
❖ Help with the annual church picnic.
❖ Help organize and serve at other special events, such as our potluck gatherings.
❖ Help with the hanging and keeping of the greens (decorating) at Christmas.
Kris and Deb Saline: kdsaline@comcast.net 303-795-5230
Front Desk Friends
We support the church office staff and Early Learning Center by assisting with clerical duties during office hours and by greeting visitors and members in our office and on the phone.
Time commitment: Twice a month from 9am-1pm or 10am 2pm. Please prayerfully consider joining this wonderful group!
How can you help?
Do you have a warm smile and a heart that shines Jesus' light? Front Desk Friends is the place for you! We have lovely people who:
❖ Welcome visitors.
❖ Assist in answering phones.
❖ Help with Sunday School and ELC projects.
❖ Assist in other office projects.
Angela Renner: arenner@sothfamily.org 720-219-7504
We serve God by assisting the Facilities team in maintaining the buildings and property. The GEE-SIRs will put any of your skill sets (or non-skill sets) to work! We also have daily coffee, treats, and a prayer together.
How can you help?
❖ Maintaining furniture.
❖ Doing light electrical or plumbing.
❖ Managing sprinklers.
❖ Grounds keeping.
❖ Lighting and testing emergency lights.
❖ Cleaning.
❖ Painting.
❖ Fixing drywall.
❖ Checking and maintaining thermostats.
❖ Maintenance of gas-powered equipment.
❖ Bringing in and storing Christmas decorations.
❖ Helping to set up for events…to name a few!
Eric McWright: emcwright@sothfamily.org 720 532-5426
Generations Connected in Christ
Each year, we have several large events, including: Fall Kick-off, Fall Fest Carnival, Family Christmas Party, Vacation Bible School, VBS Community Carnival, and Cambodia Mission Trip
How can you help?
❖ Set up, decorate, and take down events.
❖ Food preparation or serving.
❖ Run carnival games.
❖ Make or donate needed event items.
❖ Recruit others to help with these events.
Jodie Stoltenow: JStoltenow@sothfamily.org 303-565-6062
GrandFriends is an intergenerational ministry. Our vision is to promote greater understanding between generations and contribute to building a more cohesive community in our church family. We offer friendship from Sunday School age through adult membership. Christian quote: Grandparents, like heroes, are as necessary to a child’s growth as vitamins.
**The greatest asset of being a grandfriend is having the amazing privilege of passing the baton of faith.
How can you help?
❖ Read to ELC children of Shepherd (Early Learning Center).
❖ Build a friendship with a school age child of Shepherd through prayer/cards/communication.
❖ Adopt a shut-in to pray for, to telephone, and/or to send cards.
Connie Rosel: rosel_connie@yahoo.com 720-324-9270
We are a Christ-centered support ministry for people grieving the loss of a loved one.
How can you help?
❖ I have a heart for those who are grieving. Please call me!
❖ Help organize GriefShare groups at Shepherd.
❖ Be a GriefShare ambassador to let the community know about these groups and when they meet.
Nancy Lee: Griefshare@sothfamily.org 720-261-5339
Loving Meals
Provides small meals on a short-term basis to Shepherd of the Hills families in need.
How can you help?
❖ Outreach ambassador as families request a need.
❖ Provide meals.
Susan Goldhammer: msgoldy@comcast.net 303-842-1802
Marlene Dreier: howarddreier@comcast.net 303-798-5813
Sandy Garberding: rsgarb@comcast.net 303-669-0274
Our Milestones program recognizes faith milestones in our church youth and children’s faith journey. Together our church family celebrates, encourages, blesses, and presents a remembrance gift for each milestone.
How can you help?
❖ Pray for the children as they hit each milestone.
❖ Write a letter of congratulations or encouragement to the children or parents.
❖ Share your faith and knowledge in a presentation to parents, to help their children grow in their walk with Christ (1 hr.).
❖ Help set up and prepare food for our two yearly milestone dinners.
Jodie Stoltenow: JStoltenow@sothfamily.org 303-565-6062
Supports local, national, and international missionaries and mission organizations that demonstrate and teach the Gospel.
How can you help?
❖ Be part of the team meeting monthly to help organize and support the missions.
❖ Help share the work of each mission with our community.
Kevin Holle: ksholle64@gmail.com 303-358-8600
Shepherd’s music groups exist to glorify God through music in worship as outlined in God’s Word: Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs with thankfulness in your hearts to God! Colossians 3:16
Commitment can be occasional or often. We are always looking for new team members!
How can you help?
❖ Work with audio or lighting with the A/V team.
❖ Play an instrument with Infinite Grace or for traditional services.
❖ Ring handbells (no experience needed).
❖ Sing with Shepherd’s Chorale, Infinite Grace, or as part of a smaller ensemble, duet, or solo.
Michael Amidei: MAmidei@sothfamily.org 720.229.3114
Gail Black: GBlack@sothfamily.org 303.903.1008
Priscilla Circle
We are joyfully willing to serve luncheon, brunch, or dessert for funerals and memorial services at Shepherd.
How can you help?
❖ Volunteer to provide or serve food as needed.
Sandy Garberding: rsgarb@comcast.net 303-669-0274
Kay Stolzenbach: gkstolzenbach@comcast.net 303-905-6098
Seeking Him Prayer Group
The Seeking Him prayer group meets once a month to pray for the Staff and Lay Leaders of the congregation based on specific prayer requests that come from them. The people who meet enjoy the fellowship and the opportunity to pray for our church. You're welcome to attend and join in this ministry of prayer. Colossians 1:9-11.
Pastor Duane Feldmann: dsfeldmann@comcast.net 720-270-1752
SHYP (Shepherd of the Hills Young People) – High School Ministry
To encourage, mentor and grow high school students to be mature and vibrant followers of Jesus.
How can you help?
❖ Come chaperone monthly events.
❖ Help out with SHYP meetings from 4-6 Sundays.
❖ Teach the high school morning Bible Study.
Sina Williams: swilliams@sothfamily.org 707-326-8666
Stephen Ministry
Our congregation’s Stephen Ministry equips lay people to provide confidential one-to-one Christian care to individuals in our congregation and community who are experiencing difficulties in their lives.
How can you help?
❖ Become a leader by training to be a Stephen Minister.
❖ Be an outreach ambassador as liaison for those in need and reach out to the church community to grow awareness.
Ron Manuello: Manuello64@msn.com 303-587-0001
Sunday School (Infants-4th Grade)
Children are precious to God! We are privileged to share God’s plan of salvation through our Sunday School each week. In these classes, children are able to have relationships with other Christian kids, form relationships with adult role models, worship in song, and learn Scripture to keep deep in their hearts. This is an opportunity to create lasting memories.
How can you help?
❖ Be a group leader weekly or twice monthly for kids from babies-4th grade.
❖ Help decorate for unit themes.
❖ Help prepare classroom materials needed for lessons.
❖ Be an aide in one of the classrooms.
Jodie Stoltenow: JStoltenow@sothfamily.org 303-565-6062
Purpose: Ushers serve by welcoming members and visitors to worship services, handing out worship folders, collecting the offerings, and offering direction during services and sacraments.
How can you help?
❖ Occasionally or regularly usher on Sundays.
❖ Usher at special worship services (Lent, Advent, etc.).
❖ Usher at Funerals.
David Renner: david.anthony.renner@comcast.net (303) 908-2332
Vacation Bible School (VBS)
VBS offers a chance to pull out all the stops and create an unforgettable experience for kids in our church and community. Research shows connections made during VBS result in salvations, discovery of church prospects, and potential workers for other ongoing children's programs.
How can you help?
❖ Join the team.
❖ Be a station leader.
❖ Work with kids during VBS.
❖ Help decorate, set up, take down.
❖ Make or donate needed items.
❖ Help with music, drama, crafts.
❖ Get involved in the VBS Carnival.
❖ Help with the mission project fundraiser connected with the VBS program.
Jodie Stoltenow: JStoltenow@sothfamily.org 303-565-6062
Xtreme (5-8th Grade)
Do your children need a place to grow in their understanding of God's love and His plans for their life? Our Xtreme Ministry gives your kids the opportunity to grow and show their faith in our Triune God. We encourage our youth to connect with their peers and adult mentors to nurture their Christian faith. They will study the Bible, talk about life, serve others, and get connected through small groups.
How can you help?
❖ Be a parent chaperone.
❖ Help plan devotions for monthly events.
❖ Help plan monthly activities.
❖ Pray for the students in these programs.
❖ Donate items for activities or mission projects.
Sina Williams: swilliams@sothfamily.org 707-326-8666