Anchored in God's Promises | Hebrews 6:19
Welcome to Fall at Shepherd! Our theme for 2024-2025 is Anchored in God's Promises-
"We have this hope—God’s promise of salvation—as a sure and steadfast anchor for the soul!"
Hebrews 6:19
A symbol often used for HOPE is an ANCHOR. In Hebrews 6:19, God promises that His gift of salvation IS our hope. We can count on this promise, and ALL the promises of our God, just as a boat can count on the security of its anchor. Hold fast to Jesus, our Anchor, because all God’s promises find their YES in Him! And to that, we say AMEN!
Celebrate Fall Kickoff on Sunday, September 8 with our regular worship schedule, teacher introductions starting in the Gym at 9:30am, Bible Studies and Sunday School beginning, and a noon luncheon provided by Shepherd!
Here is a list of weekly education opportunities for you.