SHYP is having a Lock-In on January 19-20, 4pm-7am. Cost is $20.
SHYP (9th-12th graders) join us for a lock-in at Shepherd as we go to an escape room, play games, spend time with one another and plan for our winter retreat! Meet in Parish Hall. Dinner/snacks/drinks are included. If you plan on sleeping bring a blanket/sleeping bag and pillow. High School friends are welcome. RSVP to Sina by Thursday, January 16.
January 19-20
February 2
It's time once again to see whose chili reigns supreme! Join us for our 11th Annual Chili Cook Off and enjoy a night of chili and entertainment by Infinite Grace. Your ticket into the Chili Cook Off includes voting tickets. You can purchase more voting tickets on site. Funds go toward SHYP (High School) trip to the LCMS Youth Gathering this summer.
Presale tickets are available below or can be purchased in the Gym between services.
Sunday, February 9
Parish Hall
Kickoff Super Bowl Sunday with this intergenerational event! For grandfriends and kids/youth from preschool to 12th grade. Even if you don’t have a grandfriend that you connect with through the year come and participate as we eat, share, and have a time of devotion together. For this brunch we’ll have a bit of “show & tell” at the tables so we ask both the younger & older folks to bring an item of importance to you so we can learn a little more about one another. If your item is too large to bring in please bring a photo of your item to share with your story. Questions? Ask Sina Williams, Jodie Stoltenow or Connie Rosel.